Tuesday 30 September 2014

LotusLite trial study - Lose up to 8 times MORE weight!

At LotusLite, we believe in trialling our products in real men and women to make sure they are effective. As a result, we are so confident in our products that we’re able to offer a money-back guarantee.

We are very excited about the results of our latest LotusLite study, which has shown that up to 8 times more weight loss is possible with our flagship super-strength combination skinny pill!

Our 12 triallists lost up to 8 lbs in the 4 week study, whilst the 10 volunteers who took a placebo pill experienced a small gain in their weight, on average.

All of our triallists agreed that LotusLite Original was easy to use. The majority didn’t make a conscious effort to change their eating habits, as the trial took place in the run-up to Christmas; however many noticed immediately that they felt fuller and found they were eating smaller portions – in fact 83% agreed that they felt confident that the product was having an effect during the trial.

The appetite-suppressing effects of the Garcinia Cambogia and Green Tea extracts is clearly noticeable in the first few days of taking LotusLite Original - all of our triallists agreed that their appetite was reduced and the majority noticed that they were eating smaller portions. One triallist remarked “I have noticed I feel fuller and I stop eating, even if I have some of my meal left”.

Thanks to the Green Coffee Bean extract in LotusLite Original which balancesblood sugar levels, 83% reported that they just didn’t think about food as often as they normally would, and two thirds agreed that they didn’t crave unhealthy food, with the same number agreeing that they felt motivated to eat healthy food. As one user commented: “I’m very happy with the loss of sugar/chocolate cravings! Overall my blood sugar is much more stable than before.”

The cleansing and slimming effect of the Fu Ling and Daikon Seed extracts was noticeable, with half of LotusLite Plus users reporting feeling less bloated during the study. In fact one user said: “I suffer from bloating and it worked amazingly to stop it – I would take it just for that in the future”.

As we all know, exercise can help to accelerate weight loss, and the Lotus Leaf extract in LotusLite Original raises the metabolism and increases energy. Half of our triallists felt that they had more energy whilst taking LotusLite Original, and a third felt that this gave them extra motivation to exercise.

92% of our LotusLite Original users lost weight during the trial, and two thirds lost measurable inches thanks to the targeted fat-burning effects of the Green Coffee Bean and Garcinia Cambogia extracts. This was summed up by one triallist who said: “I felt so much slimmer, and even after putting a bit back on over Christmas, people have said I look slimmer - and I haven’t told them!”

The positive mental-health effects of taking control using a slimming pill are clear, with the majority of triallists agreeing that they felt betterduring the trial. At the end of the trial, all agreed that they felt motivated to continue losing weight, and that they felt confident they could achieve their weight-loss goals. The fact that LotusLite is 100% natural was also important to most users – two thirds felt safer using LotusLite than any other product they had used before.

At LotusLite we pride ourselves on supporting our users every step of the way. In the trial, of those that had used slimming pills before, all agreed that the support from LotusLite was better than other companies.

At the end of the study, over two thirds of triallists said they would repurchase LotusLite Original, and all said they would recommend to a friend – in fact, some had already done so! One triallist summed it up: “What a fab product – I won’t bother trying any others from now on – this works!”

The results of this study are very exciting, demonstrating that using LotusLite Original to super-charge your weight loss, you can lose up to 8 times more weight than with diet and exercise alone.

Source: Proprietary study into the weight-loss effects of LotusLite Plus versus placebo in 22 healthy volunteers. Copyright LotusLite Ltd 2013. 

Thursday 25 September 2014

Olympia Beauty Show 2014!

On Saturday, we packed up the car, it was bursting with stock, stands, posters and freebies and we set off from LotusLite HQ and headed for Olympia Beauty Show! When we arrived, it was a room full of empty stands!  So we got to work setting up.  It took a few hours of hard work, traipsing too and from the car and lifting big boxes of stock, moving things around the stand to fit but we finally got there and we think it looked great! (Excuse the dark photo – the lighting wasn't great!)

This year, Olympia were celebrating their 10 year anniversary and introduced the new Beauty Blogger Awards!  We were really interested in the Beauty Blogger Awards as we are just starting in the blogging world and were excited to meet some top bloggers!  The event was set to be one of the best yet!  It turned out that there was over 550 exhibitors at the show and over 23,000 attendees!  

We were really busy at the show – we met loads of lovely people and met some great, interesting contacts!  Our LotusLite 5:2 fasting skinny shakes proved to be a massive hit!  We were giving away tasters of the LotusLite 5:2 fasting skinny shakes and we are pleased to say that 99% of people were pleasantly surprised at how nice the shakes tasted!  We knew all along how delish they are but many people have tasted shakes that quite honestly, are just not very tasty at all!  A lot can leave a powdery after taste and do not make you look forward to the next shake!  We worked hard to find the formulation of our shakes and taste was the key thing.  So it was great to have such positive feedback!

As well as giving away tasters of the LotusLite 5:2 fasting skinny shake, we handed out hundreds of free samples of our flagship product, LotusLite Original.  LotusLite Original has been specially formulated and is a unique product to LotusLite.  We chatted to a lot of different people, from beauty therapists to salon owners to bloggers to distributors!  Our main aim at the Olympia Beauty Show was to spread the word about LotusLite and to try to get more stockists on board. We did just that so we would like to say hello to our new stockists and welcome you on board!  We would also like to say hello to everyone that we met and don’t forget that you can add us on facebook and also follow us on Twitter @Lotus_Lite.  We feel that we achieved what we set out to do so overall, the Olympia Beauty Show 2014 was a success for team Lotus!

Thursday 18 September 2014


For centuries, the monks of Mount Athos have enjoyed long lives, healthy bodies and calm minds thanks to their unique diet and lifestyle.
With studies that show they are among the healthiest people on earth, the plan is inspired by the Greek monks of Mount Athos and their Mediterranean diet. Amazingly, research has shown that within their tight-knit communities Cancer is almost unheard of, strokes and cardiac arrests are pretty much non existent and diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are extremely rare. The monks have also been proven to live, on average, several years longer than men living in mainland Greece.
Now you too can discover the secrets of good nutrition from this ancient community in a remarkable new diet book.

In The Mount Athos Diet, you'll follow the intermittent diet that keeps the monks slim, youthful and largely free from disease. The diet is made up of three easy-to-follow patterns throughout the week:
- Three fasting days full of delicious fruits and vegetables from nature's larder
- Three moderation days to enjoy the best of the Mediterranean, including olive oil, fish and even red wine
-  One feast day to completely indulge in whichever foods you like

Want to know more?

Fast days are for eating exactly as the Mount Athos monks do. You should stick to what is essentially a low-fat, teetotal vegan diet. Three days a week should be dedicated to fasting, for example Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

■       Dairy – milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, cream
■       Meat – beef, pork, meat products
■       Fish or shellfish – prawns, squid, fish products
■       Eggs
■       Chips, fried foods, pastry, pies
■       Crisps and other snack foods
■       Sweets, chocolate and confectionary
■       Sugar and sugary drinks
■       Alcohol
■       Oils and fats
■       Mayonnaise and fatty salad dressings

■       Vegetables (except avocados and potatoes)
■       Fruit
■       Herbal teas
■       Water
■       Spices, herbs and pepper

In moderation:
■       Potatoes
■       Pasta
■       Grains – rice, bulgur wheat, couscous, quinoa, barley, oats
■       Bread – preferably wholemeal
■       Plain crackers, oat cakes and breadsticks
■       Fruit juice (no more than two small glasses a day)
■       Avocados (no more than half a day)
■       Pulses – peas, lentils, beans, butter beans, kidney beans
■       Olives and olive spray
■       Honey
■       Condiments and sauces
■       Dried fruits, nuts and seeds (no more than one handful a day)
■       Tea and coffee (without milk or sugar)
■       Salt


Moderation days are more varied than fast days, but portion size is key. Three days a week should be dedicated to moderate eating, for example Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.

■       Red meat or meat products – sausages, burgers, ham, bacon
■       Chips, fried food, pastry, pies
■       Sugar or sugary drinks
■       Crisps and other snack foods
■       Sweets and confectionary
■       Cakes, biscuits, croissants and pastries

■       Fruit
■       Vegetables (except avocados and potatoes)
■       Herbal/fruit teas
■       Water
■       Spices, herbs and pepper

In moderation:
■       Grains – rice, couscous, barely, oats
■       Pulses – beans and lentils
■       Nuts and seeds
■       Bread – preferably wholemeal
■       Crackers, oatcakes and breadsticks
■       Potatoes
■       Avocados
■       Fruit juices
■       Olives and olive oil
■       Honey
■       Greek yogurt
■       Semi-skimmed or skimmed milk
■       Cheese (a small piece)
■       Small amount of butter
■       Eggs
■       Seafood
■       Chicken
■       Alcohol (preferably red wine, and no more than 2 units per day)
■       Dried fruits and nuts
■       Salt


One day a week you can have a break from your strict eating plan and ‘feast’ – which basically means indulging in whatever you fancy. Anything from red meat to alcohol is allowed, as long as you don’t go completely over the top. The Feast Day is designed to eradicate the constant ‘saying no’ that comes with other diets, allowing you to escape that long-term feeling of deprivation. The Feast Day also helps to alleviate feelings of guilt, as you can actually enjoy meals out with friends, baking or parties without feeling bad about it, as you know you will be back to a Fast Day very soon. You should plan for one Feast day a week, for example Saturday.

Monday (Fast Day)
Breakfast: Stewed Apple with Oats
Lunch: Roast Pepper, Spinach and Orange Salad
Dinner: Butternut Squash Soup

Tuesday (Moderation Day)
Breakfast: Scrambled Egg with Rye Toast
Lunch: Coriander and Coconut Soup
Dinner: Mount Athos Baked Fish with Parsley and Onions
Dessert: Pineapple, Berry and Mint Fruit Salad

Wednesday (Fast Day)
Breakfast: Grilled Peaches
Lunch: Moroccan Carrot and Chickpea Soup
Dinner: Black Bean Chilli

Thursday (Moderation Day)
Breakfast: Greek Yogurt with Granola and Fruit
Lunch: Mackerel Salad with Cherry Tomatoes and Cannellini Beans
Dinner: Asian Poached Chicken with Sesame Green Beans
Dessert: Melon with Rosewater

Friday (Fast Day)
Breakfast: Muesli with Fruit Juice
Lunch: Mount Athos White Bean Salad with Spring Onions and Parsley
Dinner: Vegetable Tagine with Carrot, chopped Tomato and Chickpeas

Saturday (Feast Day)
On this day you should relax your diet plan and eat the sorts of foods you ate before you started. This is the perfect time for meals out, baking or indulging in the sweet treats you love, just remember your goals and try to enjoy yourself without going overboard.

Sunday (Moderation Day)
Breakfast: Banana Pancakes
Lunch: Chicken Soup with Carrot, Sweet Potato and Celery
Dinner: Spaghetti with Leeks and Butternut Squash
Dessert: Banana Ice Cream

We recommend both our LotusLite Original and LotusLite Green coffee Bean. As the Mount Athos diet is pretty restrictive in terms of sweet foods - both these products will help balance your blood sugar levels and stop your sweet tooth cravings, as well as keeping your portion sizes normal.


One of our clients has been using our 5:2 Fasting Skinny Shakes and has so far had fantastic results!  She has lost 18lb in 6 weeks! 

When she has hit her target weight, we will of course show you a before and after picture! With our new skinny shakes, the diet you follow is reasonably easy and gets amazing results.  The basic theory is, you fast for two days a week and eat what you want (within reason!) for the other five days a week.  On your fasting days, you will have three LotusLite skinny shakes (one for breakfast, lunch and tea – made with water).  You allow yourself four scoops over the three shakes- so this could be two scoops for breakfast, one for lunch and one for tea.
On top of the shakes, you are allowed 60 calories per day for snacks.  So in total, on your fasting days, you will be having a total of 500 calories.  For men, this is slightly different; men can have five scoops of shake and 50 calories of snacks, totalling 600 calories per day.  On your non-fasting days, we recommend you stick to your recommended daily intake for calories which is 2000 for women and 2600 for men.  If you can reduce this in anyway, that is obviously going to speed up your weight loss, but there really is no need to.


I have a few sneaky tips to help you on your fasting days! For women, have four shakes per day, each with one scoop, instead of the three shakes per day.  This really helped me as I like to have some form of food or drink on a regular basis. For the men, you can have five shakes per day with one scoop in each.  As long as you are making your shakes with water, this will not increase your daily calorie intake.
Another little tip (which may use up your daily calorie allowance) is to get a blender and add something to your shake!  So, you could add a handful of strawberries, blueberries, an apple or even some porridge oats.  Just beware though, you are only meant to have an extra 60 calories per day. 
I bought a brilliant blender – I am so impressed with it and it didn’t break the bank! I bought a Breville Blend from Amazon.  I paid £25 for it but at the time of writing this is had been reduced to £22.48.  It is so quick and simple!  It comes with two shake bottles; you simply put you ingredients into the bottle, screw the blade on, put the bottle in the base & blend!  You then unscrew the blade, replace it with a lid and you are good to go!  The only bit you have to wash is the blade and then the bottle when you have finished your shake!  It honestly could not be easier! 

Why not give our super skinny shakes a try...........


The Paleo Diet is basically what it says, go back thousands of years and eat like a cave man! 

Basically, use the hunter gather theory, if it cannot be gathered from the ground (eg eggs, nuts, fruit & vegetables) or if it cannot be hunted or fished then it is a no go!  So this means that all grains, refined sugar, dairy and wheat must be cut out of your diet.  You can still have sugar and carbs but they must be natural – like the sugar from fruit of the carbs from vegetables.

Not only will the paleo diet help you lose weight, but it will also reduce your risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer and other health problems. One of the main plus sides of the paleo diet is that you do not have to count your calories! As long as you stick to the foods you are allowed you can eat as much as you want – the reason being, if you eat the correct foods, you will get full and stay full!  Therefore you will not be pigging out all day!  Yippee we hear you say!  You also do not have to stick to a strict regime of when you can eat. So, this means you can eat when you like during the day, you can have a big breakfast and then not eat again until tea time or you can have lots of small meals throughout the day!

What can you eat?

Meat - GRASS-FED, not grain-fed. Grain causes the same problem in animals as they do in humans.
Fowl - Chicken, duck, hen, turkey…things with wings that (try to) fly.
Fish - Wild fish, as mercury and other toxins can be an issue in farmed fish
Eggs - Look for Omega-3 enriched eggs.
Vegetables - As long as they’re not deep-fried, eat as many as you want.
Oils - Olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil – think natural.
Fruits - Have natural sugar, and can be higher in calories, so limit if you’re trying to lose weight.
Nuts - High in calories, so they’re good for a snack, but don’t eat bags and bags of them.
Tubers - Sweet potatoes and yams.  Higher in calories and carbs, so these are good for right after a workout to replenish your glycogen levels.

Now, which LotusLite product is best to take alongside the Paleo Diet? 
We would suggest that you use LotusLite Garcinina Cambogia or LotusLite Raspberry Ketone
This is for a few reasons – they are both pure fruit – something you are allowed on the Paleo Diet!  As you can eat when you want on this plan and do not have to count your calories, you won’t feel hungry and therefor will not need the appetite suppressant that LotusLite Original gives you. With the Garcinia Cambogia or the Raspberry Ketones, this will boost your weight loss alongside the new eating regime. 


                                  £19.99                £19.99


The 3 Day Diet claims that you can lose up to 10lb in only 3 days!  This kind of diet is going to be ideal for a lot of people who have a special occasion coming up!  Obviously, the best and safest way to lose weight is to have a healthy diet along with exercise.  However, we all know that this is not easy to do!  So, for a quick fix, take a look at The 3 Day Diet plan.  It is not advisable to do this diet for longer than 3 days, purely because it is so low in calories and you will not be getting all the essential nutrients that your body needs.  If you have any health issues, you must consult your GP before doing this diet.

The good thing about this diet is that it is fairly easy to follow, it only lasts for 3 days and there are substitutes that you can have if you do not like everything listed! And obviously, you can lose up to 10lbs! 

So, here goes……

Day One
Breakfast                                 Lunch                                      Dinner
Black Coffee or tea with low fat sweetener
1/2 grapefruit
1 slice of toast with 1tbsp peanut butter
1/2 a cup of tuna
1 slice of toast
Black coffee/tea/water*
3 oz any lean meat
1 cup of green beans
1 cup of carrots
1 cup of vanilla ice cream
1 medium apple
Black coffee/tea/water*

Day Two
Breakfast                                   Lunch                                       Dinner
Black coffee/tea/water*
1 egg(served any style)
1 slice of toast
1 banana
1 cup of tuna or cottage cheese
5 plain crackers
Black coffee/tea/water*
2 hotdogs
1/2 cup of carrots
1 cup of broccoli or cabbage
1 banana
1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream

Day Three
Breakfast                                   Lunch                                       Dinner
Black coffee/tea/water*
5 plain crackers 1 oz of cheddar cheese
1 apple
1 hard boiled egg
1 slice of toast
black coffee/tea/water*
1 cup of tuna
1 cup of carrots
1 cup of cauliflower
1 cup of melon
1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream
black coffee/tea/water*

*Low calorie sweetener should always be used instead of sugar
Additions allowed on the 3 Day Diet:
·         Lemon juice
·         Salt and pepper
·         Mustard
·         Cooking oil spray

Variations on the 3 Day Diet:
·         Orange instead of grapefruit
·         Tuna instead of cottage cheese or vice versa
·         Frozen yoghurt instead of ice cream
·         Cauliflower instead of broccoli and vice versa
·         Green beans instead of broccoli or cauliflower
·         Beetroot instead of carrots
·         Toast instead of 5 plain crackers

To make this diet work, it is very important that you STICK to the meal planners exactly (apart from the recommended variations.  Do not swap things from day to day and eat at the correct times. Again, do not do this diet for more than 3 days.


We recommend our premier natural skinny pill LotusLite Original. As the 3 day diet is pretty restrictive in terms of sweet foods - LotusLite will help balance your blood sugar levels and stop your sweet tooth cravings, as well as help to curb your appetite. 


If you really want a flat tummy fast in time for your summer hollibobs, try this 14-day eating plan, follow this diet plan as closely as possible for the kick-start your body needs.

It’s recommend that it is best to begin this diet on a weekend, when you have more time on your hands to get everything ready. Plus, you won’t feel so stressed or rushed, which means you’ll be less likely to succumb to a quick coffee or a mid-afternoon chocolate bar. You can swap meals around (have the Day 1 breakfast on Day 2, for example), but try to keep to the prescribed meals. You shouldn’t feel hungry, but if you do, just increase your green vegetable portions and make sure you’re drinking enough water (2 to 3 litres of still, filtered water a day). Where possible – and if you can afford it – go for organic ingredients, especially when it comes to eggs (free-range are also good) and meat.

Image source - Daily mail

Breakfast 3-egg-white omelette filled with 75g chopped mixed peppers and a handful of spinach
Snack mid-morning 100g chicken with ½ red pepper, sliced
Lunch 1 grilled chicken breast, a salad with mixed leaves, red peppers and green beans and ¼ tbsp olive oil
Snack mid-afternoon 100g turkey breast with ¼ cucumber, sliced
Dinner 100g grilled chicken breast with unlimited steamed broccoli

Breakfast 1 baked chicken breast with a handful of kale, steamed or stir-fried
Snack mid-morning 100g turkey breast and ½ green pepper, sliced
Lunch 1 grilled or baked haddock fillet with a mixed green salad, drizzled with ½ tbsp walnut oil
Snack mid-afternoon 100g turkey breast with 75g raw or steamed broccoli
Dinner 1 salmon steak with chopped fresh dill and steamed green beans

Breakfast 4-6 scallops (or other white fish) pan-fried, with steamed asparagus
Snack mid-morning100g chicken breast with ½ yellow pepper, sliced
Lunch1 grilled chicken breast with garden salad and ½ tbsp macadamia oil
Snack mid-afternoon100g turkey slices with ¼ avocado
Dinner 1 grilled lamb steak (or 2 cutlets); steamed broccoli and spinach

Breakfast 3 scrambled eggs (1 whole egg and 2 egg whites) with grilled tomatoes and green beans
Snack mid-morning 100g turkey slices with ¼ cucumber, sliced
Lunch 150g baked cod fillet with salad, including tomato and baby spinach, dressed with ½ tbsp flaxseed oil
Snack mid-afternoon 100g chicken breast with ½ grilled courgette
Dinner 100g chicken breast stir-fry made with ½ tsp coconut oil and selection of green vegetables

Breakfast 200g turkey breast with ¼ avocado and ¼ cucumber, sliced
Snack mid-morning 2 hard-boiled eggs with ½ red pepper, sliced
Lunch150g grilled prawns with a green salad and tomatoes, drizzled with ½ tbsp pumpkin seed oil
Snack mid-afternoon 100g turkey breast with 5 almonds
Dinner 100g chicken breast with a portion of steamed broccoli

Breakfast 1 grilled haddock fillet with roasted peppers and courgettes
Snack mid-morning 100g chicken with 1 tomato, sliced
Lunch 150g turkey with green salad, steamed broccoli and ½ tbsp olive oil
Snack mid-afternoon 100g chicken with 5 pecan nuts
Dinner 150g-200g steak served with steamed green beans and broccoli

Breakfast 3-egg-white omelette filled with grilled tomatoes, served with a portion of steamed spinach
Snack mid-morning 100g turkey with 5 brazil nuts
Lunch 150g chicken breast with steamed asparagus and a green salad
Snack mid-afternoon 100g turkey with ¼ cucumber, sliced
Dinner Stir-fry of 100g prawns, 5 scallops and mixed veg, with ½ tsp coconut oil

Breakfast 100g chicken breast with ½ yellow pepper and ¼ avocado
Snack mid-morning 100g turkey and 4 macadamia nuts
Lunch 3-egg-white omelette filled with ¼ cup mixed peppers, served with a portion of spinach
Snack mid-afternoon 100g turkey with steamed green beans
Dinner 1 baked cod fillet with green salad, sliced tomatoes and ½ tbsp pumpkin seed oil

Breakfast 100g smoked salmon and a portion of spinach
Snack mid-morning100g chicken breast and 6 pecan nuts
Lunch1 chicken breast with a portion of roasted peppers and courgettes
Snack mid-afternoon 2 eggs, hard-boiled, and ½ cucumber, sliced
Dinner Grilled skinless duck breast served with steamed oriental greens or broccoli

DAY 10
Breakfast 150g turkey breast with ½ green pepper and ¼ avocado
Snack mid-morning100g chicken breast and 12 cashew nuts
Lunch Baked sea bass fillet with mixed green salad
Snack mid-afternoon100g chicken breast and ½ tomato, sliced
Dinner 100g-200g fillet steak with steamed broccoli

DAY 11
Breakfast 3 scrambled egg whites served with grilled asparagus
Snack mid-morning 100g turkey breast and ¼ avocado
Lunch 150g grilled prawns served with a green salad and tomatoes, drizzled with ½ tbsp flaxseed oil
Snack mid-afternoon 100g chicken breast with ½ yellow pepper
Dinner 1 grilled haddock fillet with roasted peppers, courgettes and kale

DAY 12
Breakfast 1 baked chicken breast with a portion of spinach
Snack mid-morning 100g turkey and 5 walnuts
Lunch 150g turkey breast with a green salad and steamed mangetout, drizzled with ½ tbsp olive oil
Snack mid-afternoon 100g turkey breast and ¼ cucumber, sliced
Dinner 1 salmon steak with chopped dill, rocket salad and a portion of steamed brussel sprouts

DAY 13
Breakfast 4-6 scallops with a portion of steamed broccoli
Snack mid-morning100g turkey breast with ½ red pepper, sliced
Lunch150g chicken with a garden salad and ¼ cucumber, sliced, drizzled with ½ tsp macadamia oil
Snack mid-afternoon 100g sliced turkey breast with ¼ avocado
Dinner 1 lemon sole fillet with a portion of steamed green beans

DAY 14
Breakfast 3 scrambled eggs (1 yolk, 2 whites) with steamed spinach and a sliced grilled tomato
Snack mid-morning100g chicken slices with 5 hazelnuts
Lunch 150g baked cod fillet with salad, including tomato and baby spinach, dressed with ½ tbsp  flaxseed oil
Snack mid-afternoon 100g turkey slices with ½ green pepper, sliced
Dinner 100g-200g fillet steak with grilled asparagus and steamed spinach
Source - Daily mail

If you find that you need a helping hand to curb your appetite and sweet tooth cravings try using our premier product Lotuslite original - the natural skinny pill. It works by suppressing your appetite and balancing blood sugar levels to keep those hunger pangs at bay.