Friday 20 March 2015

Follow our founder Sally's weight loss journey....Week 3

Pounds lost 2
PT sessions 2
Selfies 2

High Maintenance

I don’t know if any of you have heard of the vampire facelift (PRP Therapy) but myself and a couple of friends decided to take the plunge.

Made popular by Kim Kardashian, the technique involves collecting a sample of your own blood from your arm and separating its components through a centrifugation process in order produce a 'Platelet Rich Plasma' which is then injected into your face!!!

Expected benefits are an increase of skin elasticity with smoothing of fine wrinkles amongst others. Its a sort of a natural alternative to botox and fillers.

My face did puff up a bit afterwards as you can see from the pic but it soon calmed down plus I trust Dr.Vlock implicitly which is a big help. 

Perhaps I'm having a midlife crisis I dunno but I’m actually really pleased with the results so far although it take a couple of months or so to see the real benefits so watch this space.

On it!

Im back at the gym - yeh!!!
Im having a personal training session each week with a friend of mine Jo.
We have become quite close over recent months - Jo knows everything about me and I mean EVERYTHING. I guess its the nature of the beast in that line of business.
What I love about Jo is that she pushes me but we always have a laugh at the same time - usually about my inconstancy or some crazy ass whale like move I'm doing but she really makes working out fun.

See you tonight Jo! Jobyjo Fitness

Our new Skinny Pills have literally just landed into HQ and we are buzzing (quite literally).

We are so happy with this formula and know it is the best to date.

Formulated by one of the most experienced teams in the supplement industry we feel we are in very safe hands.

I have 100 friends trialling the product for us.

I created this product for people like me. Those that can fluctuate in weight so easily, perhaps emotional eaters who and may just need a helping hand to get back on track.

What I hope these Skinny Pills are gonna do is stop the snacking between meals and give you the energy to motivate you into moving more.

Eating 3 balanced meals a day and a couple of healthy snacks is what we are aiming for and exercising 3 times a week. Sometimes with our stressful lives it’s easier said than done. This new formulation is #willpowerinapill

I’m offering 10% for a limited time - Please enter promo code LLNEW15

 Buy now

It’s my best friend and colleagues birthday next week. She is going away for her birthday so we are celebrating by having a curry round at a friends house on Saturday.

We where just saying it will be nice to kick back and chill for a change after all the celebrations of late.

We have pre ordered the food and I have made the best food choice a curry house has to offer.

I always have poppadoms for starters and some lower cal dips like cucumber raita and for main ill have a dry chicken tandoori or a chicken jalfrezi which is also not too bad and ill either ask for a blain boiled rice or have a bit of vegetable biryani.

Although I love naan bread I avoid it when I can and sometimes ask for my dish to be cooked ghee-free which basically means they don’t use butter to cook it with. No one has ever refused and it taste just as delicious.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish Jess our operations director a very very happy birthday. We all love you lots and lots.

Sally x

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